Time Capsules

Le mercredi 16 novembre 2022, profitant d’une visite de leur futur lycée, les élèves de 3ème du site de Saint-Exupéry ont enterré les “time capsules” qu’ils avaient créées en cours d’anglais. La cérémonie, bien que pluvieuse, fut très émouvante: discours des élèves, joyeux enterrement, et enfin drapeau personnel attaché à l’arbre qui veille sur nos tombes.

Rendez-vous en 2026, lors de la remise des diplômes, pour l’ouverture de la capsule!


“On the morning of the 16th November 2022 we will finally be burying our time capsules. 

So I would like to start this speech by saying that I am pleased to honor this ceremony, this moment where together we consider the end of an arduous task. But what are we really burying? Some people would say: letters, cards, objects and so on…They are not wrong. I just think that there is more to it.That’s why I’d like to call it, a LEGACY. Ladies and gentlemen, in this burial we are going to put into the ground: memories, visions, opinions… However, the most important thing that we are going to leave in there, is a piece of ourselves. When we open this, we will be adults. We will unearth not only the time capsule but the child we left inside.The opening will be a trip back to this very moment and today, together, we set it.”  Rafael Calleja, 3ème, Saint-Exupéry